CPro cybersecurity services are designed as a stack that builds on top of each other. We’ve built our service stack in this way.
Start with a foundation of tool-based diagnostic data
All vulnerability assessments and risk reviews are based on test data. We build our own tools based on best-in-class open-source solutions, which our pentest professionals use every day.
Expand on the solution data with human expertise penetration testing
Our diagnostic data is a window into your system’s security profile. Each vulnerability detected is then tested as an attack vector to find exploits. Each exploit is tested for risks leading to financial theft and reputation loss.
Provide expert advice on issues and challenges a company faces
Our professional staff has many years of experience in the commercial world. They are skilled researchers who can listen to a company’s issues and develop practical solutions that address them directly.
Our SaaS scanning solution is available as a standalone product. However, not all companies have the time or resources to keep up with the flow of incoming reports. We provide a managed service that includes these benefits.
The landscape of cybersecurity threats and risk impact is continuously evolving. We provide an on-demand expert advisory service to fill this gap. Our service benefits include the following.
Network Pentests will uncover vulnerabilities in your public-facing systems that malicious actors can exploit for reputation loss or financial gain.
API Pentests are structured activities that closely examine public-facing APIs for security issues. These issues can include user account authorisation exploits, session authentication errors, and data misuse that can be dangerous to your organisation.
For those companies who build mobile apps as part of their service delivery are constantly at risk as malicious actors attempt to find exploits into a systems infrastructure through exploits in a mobile application.
All of our services can be ordered by booking a meeting with us.
Please use the calendar booking link below to get started.
+31 206 159 155
[email protected]
[email protected]
Rijnlandlaan 199
Unit 1.05
1062 MX Amsterdam
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